Getting that epic crease out…

My first attempt included sandwiching the fabric between cutting boards and muslin. Weighted down with our trusty ankle weights. I steamed the be-jeesus out of the muslin and silk, placed the second cutting board and down and added the weights for pressure. Not only was this going to take for ever, 15″ at a time, the cutting boards were starting to warp and my husband wanted his weights back.
Time to think of another option…
I found my solution in the garage of all places. We hadn’t disposed of the leftover plywood from our pandemic headboard project. I had the length, used a bed sheet for protection. My book and vinyl collection came in handy and provided the needed even pressure.

Viola! Although the crease wasn’t 100% gone, there was a significant difference. What was potentially going to take weeks only took a day and night shift.