Onto my next project, helping my niece make her prom jumpsuit. Besides her being a great kid, wanting to learn more about sewing, she had the smarts to ask me in August to help her make a jumpsuit for her prom in May. When she first asked me, I insisted that we start on a toille asap. She picked out a nice jumpsuit pattern with clean lines and our initial intent was to make it into a tuxedo.

I had the perfect fabric already. A vintage silk/rayon black asian brocade, brought over from my stepfather as a gift for his mother when he was in the navy back in the late 1960s.Lily was so excited when we unwrapped it. The drape and luster are to die for and it was the perfect black/black design she wanted. It was also exactly the amount needed for the design she settled on. A different pattern than the original. While she liked the tuxedo idea, she wanted something more feminine and flowy.

This didn’t come without its first challenge, how to get a decades old crease right down the middle out. We couldn’t double it and simply cut two pieces at a time due to the 36″ width and not worry about the crease. Even if we could, it was folded in half width-wise first, then length-wise so there was additional crease and halfway through, the crease switches sides.

This is going to need some serious engineering involving steam and pressure.